Please join the Circle of Swords for SIBCON XV 2010 on September 17-19, 2010 at the Days Inn in Butler, PA!
This year's Fall convention will see great events such as:
** Living Forgotten Realms and COSWorld Living Campaigns
** COSVAMP Vampire & COS Terror: Zombies! LARPS
** Other great gaming RPG, Miniature, LAN, Board & Card gaming, midnight gaming and more!
SIBCON 2010 is just over a month away, and online registration is now open! Please take a moment to visit our convention site at:
There you will find information on the above gaming events, as well as registering online for events and, pricing & deadlines, LARPS, GM prizes, charity drives, midnight gaming, and much more! We hope that you will find gaming activities of interest to you, and that you will mark the date on your calendar and plan on attending!
Would you like to help the Circle of Swords continue to promote gaming? You can also volunteer to run a gaming event of your own, where you can earn $1 COSBuck event tickets, free admission, and raffle chances to win GM prizes!
The Circle of Swords hope you attend SIBCON 2010! Even if you are unable to make it, though, please register at, where you can stay informed on other upcoming COS events, including our COSCON XXIII 2011 in March 2011!
The Circle of Swords Gaming Guild
DuBois, PA is located in Clearfield County. Clearfield County is a part of the Pennsylvania Wilds™, a 12-county region spanning the northern part of the state which is known for its vast expanse of outdoor beauty and wildlife. We play WARMACHINE™ and HORDES™ in the Wilds of Pennsylvania, and invite you to join us. Come visit, there's lots to see and do. And while you're here make sure to bring your dice ... so you can Play Like You've Got a Pair™!

We're never satisfied with the state of the local gaming community here in DuBois, PA. We're constantly trying to network, expand, and bring new people into the fold. This includes teamwork and communication with other gaming groups, gaming stores, and individual players. So no matter whether you are in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, or West Virgina ... you're still close enough to stay in contact and join our crew. Come roll some dice with us. We'll return the favor.
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