We're never satisfied with the state of the local gaming community here in DuBois, PA. We're constantly trying to network, expand, and bring new people into the fold. This includes teamwork and communication with other gaming groups, gaming stores, and individual players. So no matter whether you are in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, or West Virgina ... you're still close enough to stay in contact and join our crew. Come roll some dice with us. We'll return the favor.

April 7, 2009


Copied and Pasted from the recent AnCon newsletter:

April 24th is the Ancon Pre-registration and Gamer Bounty Hunter deadlines. All pre-registration forms must be received by then and online registrations completed. PDF Pre-registration and Gamer Bounty Hunter forms are available on the AnCon Web site;

AnCon Pre-registration is over 120 people at this time with more coming in daily. Our goal for the show is a minimum 300 people, but we would like to build the show to 500 people annually. Please pass on this email and the show information to your friends and family.

Version 3 of the AnCon Pre-registration Book PDF is up! It is so large we put it up in 2 parts. We have over 200 events scheduled for the weekend. 18 exhibiting companies with games, dice, cards, shirts and more. A used Games Auction with Paul Delhia as our Auctioneer.

We are starting work on the AnCon Onsite Book. All events received from now until April 24th will be included in the Onsite Book. Further events submitted after then will be put into an update flyer onsite.

AnCon has a myspace page, and a facebook group, Join us as friends and keep up with information on the show.

Super Dave Radzik

AnCon '09: Another Game Convention
May 15-17, 2009
Clarion (formerly Holiday Inn) Hudson - NE Ohio 330-908-3970
Web Site: